
Consistent and profitable trading is a most difficult and challenging undertaking. The expertise required to develop, optimize, validate and implement a robust trading strategy is difficult to source and retain and even more challenging to develop "organically."

Many firms and individual traders do not have the research and development expertise, capacity, or infrastructure required to correctly optimize and validate the robustness and other components of their trading strategy.

Pardo & Company offers a full range of consulting services to bridge this gap for trading firms who aspire to be the best in their field. We cover all aspects of technical and quantitative analysis including, strategy creation, design, optimization and validation as well as all aspects of risk and portfolio management.  

We understand that each project is unique and carefully tailor our approach to achieve your desired results. You can consider Pardo & Company to be your trading strategy “expert system”, filling any organizational or capability gaps and allowing you to establish a world-class algorithmic trading operation.

  • Often a hour or two on a audio or video call is sufficient for a very specific topic. For more information - Calls.
  • Often times, discretionary traders have difficulty adding or converting to algo trading. For more information - Algo Training
  • For in-depth and personalized training tailored to your needs, we can create a custom coaching or mentoring relationship. For more information - Coaching & Mentoring.
  • For group training or in-depth analysis an on-site visit is most efficient - For more information - On-Site.
  • You can have your strategy tested for robustness and performance with via our Proprietary Pardo Process. For more information - Pardo Strategy Testing.
  • For traders who want to expand their strategy "bench" as we call it, you can now have your strategy "dropped into" the Pardo System Shell. For more information - Expand Your Strategy.
  • We offer our highly regarded audio-video training course Building Robust Trading Strategies. For more information - Building Robust Strategies,
  • We also encourage you to read what clients who have received various forms of consulting have to say. For more information - Testimonials.
  • You can buy consulting hours here.
  • If you have a project larger than ten hours, schedule a complimentary call with Bob at bob.pardo@pardo.space.