A Trading Cornucopia image
We bring you a broad range of powerful trading resources.

We offer an extensive family of products and services to help you become a better trader. We are confident that we can help you no matter what stage your trading is at. Think of us as the experienced expert trader who is willing to and can help. And quicken your success. We offer you trading knowledge based upon decades of trading success and a broad range of expertise.

All of the products and services that we offer embody this expertise in one way or another.

And we offer you the same products that we use for our own programs. They work. Are they perfect? Of course not. But they are good and getting better

We offer a full range of services - from strategy creation to ready-to-trade strategies to education - for traders of all types and levels of experience.

Hopefully, you will find something here that will help you get to the next level of trading, whatever that may be for you. We are also happy to have a conversation with you to help you put together the best mix of products and services to help you achieve your goals.

Create Unique Strategies

We offer three different, powerful and effective trading strategy creation and trading applications - Ranger, Cross and  LDR .

Given the depth and originality of our trading applications, they are not only strategy creation tools but they are also a very deep "gold-mine" of unique strategy ideas and indicators. They also "put a new spin" on a some of more traditional ones,. like our version and application of MACD.

Not only are they un1que and very useful, they are highly educational.

With these applications and the unique and original trading resources therein, a trader, from committed beginner to institutional, is able to create completely unique, high-performance and robust trading strategies and portfolios thereof.

Our research has amply demonstrated that our trading development apps work on any type of market from stocks, currencies and futures to crypto. They are also effective on many different time frames. So far, we have developed for daily, 60 min and 15 min time frames.

Robust Strategies Ready-to-Trade

We offer an extensive library of ready-to-trade, trading strategies on a number of futures markets including BTC and ETH. By the way, the early testing on Cross Ether is done and looks great!

The strategy families are Ranger Alpha 22, Ranger Alpha Enhanced, Cross AlphaCross BTCLDR Alpha, and LDR BTC 

It is also possible to have some of these strategies auto-traded for you by experienced trading professionals.

Learn the Process that Has Produced Millions in Profit

We have been refining our strategy development process for years. In its earliest stages, it produced XT99 Diversified which produced an annual rate of return of 19% during its twelve years in existence.

These development and robustness testing methods have been under continuous refinement. We provide these proprietary and highly effective strategy development and validation processes in the Pardo Development Process which is included with RangerMaker and the other Maker applications.

There is a Maker application and development process tailored to and requiring each of our trading applications.

Decades of Trading Expertise at Your Fingertips

As you can see from his bio, our founder Bob Pardo has decades of experience in just about every aspect of algorithmic trading.

All of his experience is available to you.

If you have a need for more in-depth assistance with any aspect of trading, strategy development and portfolio creation, reach out. There is no charge for an exploratory conversation.

We offer a wide range of consulting services - including projects and coaching / mentoring - for traders of all levels of achievement from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Consulting relationships are custom tailored to meet your specific needs whatever they may be. These can be anything from a call to a multi-month project.

A Trading Course Like No Other

Experience has shown that many traders who attempt to create trading strategies run into the same problem. They create a strategy which looks great in the back test, but completely collapses once they start to trade it.

Would like to learn how to build trading strategies that last, what we call robust trading strategies?

Then we would suggest that you take advantage of our course and get an in-depth handle on algorithmic trading and the creation of trading strategies that work.

This well regarded audio-visual training course - Building Robust Trading Strategies - is an in-depth introduction to the process of creating robust trading strategies.

The course is based upon decades of experience building robust trading strategies.


Let us know how we can best help you become a better trader. Many options are below.

If you would like to order any of our applications you can follow this Order link and make your selections.

If you would like to explore what the best applications or combinations are for you and have questions reach out by email with this link and add I have questions to the subject (apologies, our web provider does not allow this type of link on this type of page).

If you would like to put some of our strategies to work for you follow this link to our Order page and make your selections from the application / trading strategy bundles.

If you would like to explore a consulting or coaching relationship use this email link and add I would like to setup an exploratory conversation to the subject line..

If you like what we have to offer but you don't know where to start reach out with this link and add Let's set up a conversation to the subject line.

We are here to help.