Take your trading to the next level

We at Pardo & Company are dedicated to the art and science of profitable trading. I have spent most of my life mastering this art.

And, I am willing to share.

We have a path for those of you who have not yet had trading success.

And, for those of you who have had some success, we have a path to make you better.

Ranger, Ranger Alpha and RangerMaker will put you squarely on that path – whether you are an intelligent and committed beginner or an advanced trader.

Before the era of wide spread affordable computing and algorithmic trading, believe it or not, people used to buy “trading systems” described in writing and often with no back testing. As it turns out, many of these “trading systems” did not work.

There was a newsletter back in the mid-80's, called Club 3000, and yes it was on paper and arrived by snail-mail. As the name suggests, its purpose was to circulate accurate information about these various “trading systems”, all of which were priced at $3,000.

Club 3000 was published by a man whom I deeply respected named Bo Thunman. He was both a mentor and a friend. Bo was an early, big fan of our trading software product Swing Trader. He had an engineering background, knew how to trade and programmed to boot. Bo immediately saw the incredible potential of computerized strategy development and testing in Swing Trader.

Of course, we had extensive conversations about trading. And there was one thing that he said that I have always remembered and practiced. Bo said

 “I never really started making real money until I started trading a diversified basket of markets.”

Of course, our experience managing money with XT99 Diversified with its 20% ARR1 over a diversified basket of markets proved that point beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Our experience creating Pardo Renaissance Diversified proved, once again, beyond a shadow of doubt, the merits of adding diversification by strategy.

A portfolio diversified in both of these dimensions enhances performance and reduces risk. And, with the addition of diversification by time-frame, our research suggests that such a portfolio will produce returns far-higher than many have thought possible. Stay tuned.

But in the meantime, let’s hear what our clients and associates have to say about Ranger.

As our client and associate Dr. Mike Lewis (Dr. Mike as some of you know him) said –

“My trading program (Ranger) doesn’t even live in my house. It sits on a remote server and generates its trades automatically. It buys and it sells automatically. It makes a much more profitable job of it than I would-FACT.”

 And as another of our highly successful clients Trevor West said –

"I have run Bob's Ranger Alpha and LDR Alpha portfolios live for the last 4 months and the results have been stellar. I run a portfolio of 50-60 strategies including 10-12 from Bob. The consistency of Bob's strategies has allowed me to start to increase my position sizes to benefit from compounding."

Find out for yourself.

Learn first-hand the benefit of market, strategy and time-frame diversification with Ranger.

Join our growing group of select traders and take advantage of the unique and unparalleled opportunity presented by Ranger, Ranger Alpha and RangerMaker.

Trust, me, it will be worth every penny, and, I predict. many times more than the price.

By the way, Ranger Alpha signals are – Up 303% since their inception1,2,3The stock market remains quiet and Ranger Alpha strategies are ready pounce on the next move.

Detailed information is available at the newly updated Ranger and Ranger Alpha pages on our website.

You can explore the many ways that you can harness Ranger can be purchased on our Order page.


1 – Past performance is no guarantee of future success.


2 - Hypothetical pro forma based on a $125,000 account. 


3 – 09/01/2019