LDR Bitcoin

What Is LDR Bitcoin?

  • LDR Bitcoin is a new collection of trading strategies created with our latest strategy application LDR and its variations and which are available via lease or license.
  • These strategies, like those of Ranger Alpha and LDR Alpha, have been developed to the same high standards that we have been using to develop strategies for decades.
  • The first version of these processes produced our original top performing trading strategy XT99 Diversified which produced real time annualized returns of +19% for over twelve years.
  • A more advanced version of these processes produced our latest trading platform which called Pardo Renaissance Diversified. It has produced hypothetical out-of-sample annualized returns of +29.9%.
  • LDR Bitcoin strategies were created and tested using our newest robustness and evaluation processes.

What Is Currently Available in LDR Bitcoin

  • There are currently six strategies available in LDR Bitcoin.
  • All strategies trade 60 minute bars.
  • There are two variants each for varying by walk-forward via each LDR Bitcoin strategy.
  • Each strategy is $295 and is good for one year. Annual renewals are $95 per strategy. Packages are available.
  • New strategies for different markets, styles and time frames are under development.

How Can the LDR Bitcoin Strategies Can Be Traded

  • The LDR Bitcoin strategies require LDR.
  • LDR Bitcoin can be traded on an execution basis from  an introducing brokers for who do this for you. Due to regulatory constraints, compliance does not  permit us to identify them here. However, we will be happy to introduce you to them if you ask. Let us know. 

How Can I Trade these Strategies?

Reach out to Bob via email. Select form the list below which method you would like to use to take advantage of LDR Bitcoin.